
Resources for Scouts/Parents

Welcome New Cub Scout Family informational guide

The most important help that you, as a parent, can give your child is to work with them on their Cub Scouting adventures as they work toward their badge of rank. The Cub Scout handbook is full of age-appropriate activities; some of them you do together at home. Den meetings are designed for Cub Scouts to complete adventures that are required for them to earn their badge of rank. When you have completed a requirement at home, make sure your den leader is informed so that they can properly record it and your child can be recognized for their achievements. Your role as a parent is the secret to a successful Cub Scouting program!

Strengthening Youth Through Cub Scouting

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This chart shows the different ranks in the Cub Scouts program, which is a part of the Boy Scouts of America. The program is designed for boys and girls in grades K-5 and aims to build character, develop personal fitness, and encourage citizenship. The Badges of Rank are a series of awards that Cub Scouts can earn as they progress through the program. The ranks include Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light. Each rank has its own set of requirements and adventures that must be completed to earn the badge. The badges serve as recognition for the skills and knowledge that a Cub Scout has learned and helps to motivate them to continue their journey through the program.

This video will show you where all of the Cub Scout patches and batches go.